Shoulder Arthroscopy

Best Shoulder Arthroscopy Doctors in Bangalore

Shoulder Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that allows a doctor to view, diagnose and treat the shoulder joint using an arthroscope, a tiny camera inserted through a small incision in the shoulder.

Dr Chethan Nagaraj is one of the Best Shoulder Arthroscopy Doctors in Bangalore, who specializes in Arthroscopic Shoulder Surgery, treating a wide range of shoulder conditions. We will discuss the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for shoulder arthroscopy treatment in Bangalore, and the benefits of choosing Dr Chethan Nagaraj for your shoulder surgery.

Causes of Shoulder Arthroscopy:

There are various reasons why someone may require shoulder arthroscopy. Some of the most common causes include:

  1. Shoulder impingement syndrome
  2. Rotator cuff tear
  3. Frozen shoulder
  4. Shoulder instability or dislocation
  5. Shoulder arthritis
  6. Labarum tear
  7. Bursitis
  8. Tendinitis

Symptoms of Shoulder Arthroscopy:

Shoulder problems can cause a range of symptoms, which may include:

  1. Pain and stiffness in the shoulder
  2. Weakness in the shoulder and arm
  3. Limited range of motion
  4. Popping or clicking sounds in the shoulder joint.
  5. Shoulder instability or dislocation
  6. Swelling or inflammation around the shoulder joint

Treatment Options for Shoulder Arthroscopy in Bangalore:

If you are experiencing shoulder pain or other symptoms, it is essential to seek medical attention from the Best Shoulder Surgeon in Bangalore, Dr Chethan Nagaraj. He will conduct a thorough examination of your shoulder joint and recommend the best course of treatment based on your individual needs.

Some of the most common treatment options for shoulder arthroscopy in Bangalore include:

Non-Surgical Treatment: Depending on the severity of your shoulder condition, Dr Chethan Nagaraj may recommend non-surgical treatment options such as rest, ice, physical therapy, or medication to manage your symptoms.

Shoulder Arthroscopy: If non-surgical treatment options are not effective, Dr Chethan Nagaraj may recommend arthroscopic shoulder surgery to treat your condition. During the procedure, he will insert a small camera into your shoulder joint, allowing him to see inside and diagnose the problem. He can then use small surgical tools to repair or remove damaged tissue and restore normal shoulder function.

Shoulder Replacement Surgery: In severe cases of shoulder arthritis, Dr Chethan Nagaraj may recommend shoulder replacement surgery, which involves removing the damaged parts of the shoulder joint and replacing them with artificial components.

Benefits of Choosing Dr Chethan Nagaraj for Your Shoulder Surgery:

If you are considering shoulder arthroscopy treatment in Bangalore, there are many benefits to choosing Dr Chethan Nagaraj as your surgeon. Some of the benefits include:

Experience and Expertise: Dr Chethan Nagaraj is one of the Best Shoulder Arthroscopy Doctors in Bangalore, with years of experience and expertise in performing arthroscopic shoulder surgery. He has a high success rate in treating a wide range of shoulder conditions, and his patients have reported significant improvement in their shoulder function and quality of life.

Minimally Invasive Techniques: Dr Chethan Nagaraj uses the latest minimally invasive techniques for shoulder arthroscopy, which means that his patients experience less pain, scarring, and downtime compared to traditional open surgery.

Personalized Care: Dr Chethan Nagaraj takes a personalized approach to every patient, ensuring that they receive the best possible care and treatment based on their individual needs. He works closely with his patients throughout the entire process, from diagnosis to recovery, to ensure the best possible outcome.

At Orthocare, your Frozen shoulder treatment is done mostly without surgery, and for cases of a labral tear and rotator cuff tear, Dr. Chethan Nagaraj is a well-experienced and meticulous Shoulder specialist and the Best shoulder surgeon in Rajaji Nagar, Bangalore.

Dr. Chethan


About Dr. Chethan Nagaraj

Dr. Chethan Nagaraj is one of the Top & Best Orthopedic surgeons in Bengaluru. He is an expert in Computer Navigated Joint replacement surgeries. He has further perfected Joint replacement and Arthroscopy.

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